Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Already 15 weeks!

Gosh, this pregnancy seems to be moving fast!

I went to the chiropractor yesterday, and apparently my right hip was forward and my left pushed back, WONDERFUL. He adjusted me and it was awesome! I was so happy, because he actually told me I was "glowing" it's nice to know! I have never really understood that term, but I think it's because I am so happy here lately.

Isn't it crazy how each week can change??

Well, lets see... This week I have heard the baby is the size of and orange or apple (about the same) I still have yet to gain a stinkin' pound! I'm just waiting to get yelled at by my doctor, cross fingers to gain at least 2lbs by Feb. 17th! Which is ALSO, my BIG U/S, at least I hope! Haha, my Aunt is coming into town to see the baby on the U/S of course. I love that my family is so involved, it makes me feel so supported.

Mood swings have been pretty mellow, I have been mostly happy go lucky, I like to call it a pregnancy high. I think I look a little bigger, have my 15 week pictures below! I mother likes to tell me how cute I look! Gotta love the self esteem boosters. Well, nothing to new or exciting, so here is the picture!

Trying to hold onto that LAST pair of jeans. Desperation huh?